Hello freedivers, great training again yesterday at UF Herentals together with Roeland, Elisabeth, Robert, Daniela, Steven and Gert! We did a DYNB hypercapnic table, 20x 55m+, 90secs rest time down to 45 and back to 90, totaling more than 7.000 meters...
Lire la suitenetepark
Historic full house for the training yesterday @ UF Herentals!
Thank you again Anneke, Daniela, Elisabeth, Gert, Gunther, Julien, Petra, Roeland, Steven and Xavier! Great moments with great people!
Lire la suiteCatching up (1/3)...Past, current and future AIDA trainings!
Hello freedivers, I have been a bit busy the last months with no time to update the UF blog. So this morning I'm going to publish some news...that are not totally new ^^. Last April, we started non less than 3 AIDA courses, namely AIDA1, AIDA2 and AIDA3...
Lire la suiteDAN EQ training in Dutch is a fact now :-)
Hello freedivers, I just wrapped up my very first DAN Equalisation Awareness Freediving training in Dutch! So far I gave it in French to get confortable with the teaching material but now I had to upgrade it in orde to finally (after almost a year of...
Lire la suiteA new female AIDA assistant instructor in town!
Hello freedivers, yesterday evening, Liese drove a looong way down to Herentals for her last AIDA 4 training session. She worked very hard for it, together with An, the only another AIDA 4 active in Belgium (as far as I know ^^) and she did very well!...
Lire la suiteHow many freedivers can you train in a single lane? :D
Hey freedivers, last Friday took place the second Equalization workshop of the year! Indeed, Tessa, Thibault, Roeland, Philippe, Gunther, Leen, Pol, David, Pieter and Sabine joined me in Den Engel in Vorselaar first for 1h30 of dry EQ practice. I know...
Lire la suiteCongrats new AIDA instructor Alena!
Hello freedivers! I'm very happy to announce my first AIDA instructor of the year, namely Alena Udovenko! Since Alena is already an experienced Apnea Academy instructor, we had a cross-over course that started in October last year. After many theory courses...
Lire la suiteInitiatie freedive bij VVW De Zeekat in Herentals - Deel 2
Hey vrijduikers, vorige dinsdag was de tweede initiatie freedive bij de VVW club Zeekat te Herentals. Dit keer hadden Christina, Christine, Natalie, Dries, Frans, Tom en (een beetje ^^) Patrick vriendelijk gekozen om wat theorie en praktijk rond freedive...
Lire la suiteEvelien & Gilles kick ass first confined water session!
Hello freedivers, yesterday Evelien and Gilles did a long road to join me in the Netepark in Herentals since they come from Ghent and Beauvechain! I knew Evelien before but yesterday I met Gilles for the first time in person since we did the theory session...
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