Hi freedivers!

I'm very happy about the freediving session in Lessines yesterday!

Why? Because I like to meet new enthousiastic freedivers and it was indeed the case with Isalyne, Tom, Sabine, Thibault, brothers David and Pieter...and Fliety of course, who helped me out taking care of this group. It was also a nice opportunity for him to pratice as AIDA assistant instructeur (a.k.a AIDA level 4). You did great Fliety, thank you again!

New blood means also new idea...and more silly group picture :D. Maybe next time, I'll ask current chief creative officer Fliety to team up with our new comer professional choregraph Sabine for that :p

Still need to practice a bit these choregraphy :p

Still need to practice a bit these choregraphy :p

So for more than 1h30, Isalyne could train for her LIFRAS S2 certification and Thibault for his AIDA level 3 training. On the other, Sabine and Pieter could enjoy their first time in Belgian quarry! Sabine was like a fish discovering open water while Pieter unfortunately had some sinuses issue. Overall it think that it was quite successfull and than they will be back soon ^^.

Isalyne at ca -10m!

Isalyne at ca -10m!

Sabine, dancing? ^^

Sabine, dancing? ^^

Thibault ready for the next excercice!

Thibault ready for the next excercice!

Pieter trying to manage some annoying sinuses :-)

Pieter trying to manage some annoying sinuses :-)

David and Tom buddying (photo by Dieter Dejonghe).

David and Tom buddying (photo by Dieter Dejonghe).

We share the quarry with some old friends from North of France! Indeed, Philippe and Sebastien brought some freedivers in order to train for FFESSM freediving certifications. It was nice to see you again buddies!

Foreground our 3 buoys and in the background on the left, FFESSM group :-).

Foreground our 3 buoys and in the background on the left, FFESSM group :-).

After enjoying the clear water at ca. 17°C at the surface (and less than 10°C below 8m), we had a drink and a snack at the club house. Very nice to hear the new blood being enthousiastic about further freediving training.

Next freediving session in Lessines is September, 23th.

Don't hesitate to join ;-)

Sea you,


Tag(s) : #UniversalFreedivers, #SortieLessinesUF, #FormationAIDAUF, #formationLIFRASUF, #ApnéeEntrePotes, #ApnéeEnMilieuNaturel
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