Hi freedivers,
big freediving sessions this morning since none less than 18 freedivers met at the quarry of Lessines! Not only "big" but also soooooooo "universal" since we had freedivers from Apnea Academy, AIDA, LIFRAS, NELOS, PADI and VVW!
Why "big"? Because it "almost" reached the current record of number of freedivers attending an Universal Freedivers session from August 2013 when 25 freedivers were present. The funny thing is that none of them was present today (except Wouter and myself ^^)..Imagine if they all come at once, we could further test how strong the pontoon is X).
Paul took care of Mike, Liese, Justin,Tom and Pol. Wouter took care of Filip and David. While Manu took care of Ilde :D.
From my side, I made some training with de Anneke's (AIDA2 and AIDA4), Isalyne (S2), Vincent (AIDA4), Thibault (soon AIDA3 ^^) and Laurent. By the way congrats to Laurent and Mike for completing their AIDA 2 training!
After the session, we could even enjoy hot-dogs kindly offered by Ilse and Pol! Thank you gain!
Last but not least, I would like to thank all the participants! Hope to see you all at the next session in Lessines on September, 9th :-)
Nice video by Justin Groenen!