Hello Freedivers,

as the titel says...great last open water session for 2016 last Sunday at the quarry of Lessines. Water was only 1 degree less than last time meaning 8°C but the sun was there!

Believe it or not but on this December 11th, 12 brrrrave freedivers were there to enjoy it!

Another configuration for the family picture...maybe not the best one :D

Another configuration for the family picture...maybe not the best one :D

The buddy's were Amandine and Eddy, Eric and Arnaud while, together with Wouter (AIDA4), Benjamin (AIDA4 in training) and Filip (AIDA4 in training) we took An, Bert, Jason and Pedro to work on the pedagogic aspect of this assistant-instructor course. 

Although this one degree less was felt by everybody, the amazing visibility makes us forget about it, 15m+ visibility for us while Eric and Arnaud experienced an unbelievable 25m+ visibility at the extreme East side of the quarry.

The small house, the old rail tray and the cliff in the sun...one hour is gone and everybody leaves...but Benj and I will stay one more half an hour to complete all the AIDA4 excercices. 

Congrats Benj for completing this training that we started in March and for doing all the open water sessions in belgian quarry! I will take you any time as an assistant ;-).

Cold but very sunny Sunday morning!

Cold but very sunny Sunday morning!

I would like here to thank Wouter and Filip for their presence and assistance during this session. No doubt that we will meet again to finish your AIDA4 course Fil ;-). By the way, AIDA Belgium has his General Assembly begining of next year. If you want to be heard be there ;-).

I also would like to thank again EPSM board for being so open-minded. The same way if you want to be heard, the general assembly of the LIFRAS freediving commission will be held sometime beginning of next year too. Talking about LIFRAS, I will be giving a freediving level S1 training to other EPSM members next January. There is still one place left as students but still many places left as assistants if you are interested.

By the way, I will most probably attend both general assembly because at the end, they rule the freediving community in Belgium. It would nice to have a massive attendance, your voice count!

See you next year!


Tag(s) : #UniversalFreedivers, #SortieLessinesUF, #ApnéeEntrePotes, #ApnéeEnMilieuNaturel, #ApneaGirlPower
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