Hello freedivers,

today I had the chance together with a bunch of good friends to visit a new quarry in Belgium. This one is located in Lessines and it would "replace" the old one which is not accessible anymore due to safety reasons.

The water was 19°C at the surface with zero thermocline down to ca. 30m! The visibility was really acceptable to me, especially due to the "softness of the water" and the beautifull environment! Look at the picture below...it represents probably less that a 1/4 of the quarry surface!

I think than An, Liese, Paul, Roeland as well as guest stars Pilar and Brigitte enjoyed that dive as much as me!

I'm really happy to be part of the EPSM Bruxelles family! Definitely something that we will repeat!

I hope that you had the chance to feel the depth again after ca. 4 months+ of lockdown. If you don't, my advice is to plan something a.s.a.p....I guess that my smile hereunder (captured by An Meirsman) says a lot ^^

Sea you,


A glimpse into the new quarry of Lessines ;-)

A glimpse into the new quarry of Lessines ;-)

Happy  people ^^ (photos by An Meirsman).
Happy  people ^^ (photos by An Meirsman).
Happy  people ^^ (photos by An Meirsman).
Happy  people ^^ (photos by An Meirsman).
Happy  people ^^ (photos by An Meirsman).
Happy  people ^^ (photos by An Meirsman).

Happy people ^^ (photos by An Meirsman).

Tag(s) : #UniversalFreedivers, #epsm, #ApnéeEnMilieuNaturel, #ApnéeEntrePotes
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