Hello freedivers!

finally I have a bit of time to write down about our freediving session in the quarry of Dongelberg that took place on June 30th.

That was a nice and sunny day with a great group of freedivers including regulars Anneke V., Fliety, Tom, Liese, Anneke M., Roeland, Renaud and new comers Filip, Elisabeth, Lotte, Erin, Vincent and Sophie. That was a perfect 50/50 female to male ratio! This is the very first time this is happening as far as I can remember :p. How great is that!


Here we go!

Here we go!

Everybody could find a buddy and the groups could evolve at their own pace during about 1h30. Visibility was not that great but that was compensated by the 20+°C water temperature at the surface! After the session many of us, just removed their wetsuit in the water...this is not happening very often in Belgian open waters :D.



Me and the Annekes :D

Me and the Annekes :D

Erin and Renaud enjoying the Belgian warm water :D (photos by An Meirsman).
Erin and Renaud enjoying the Belgian warm water :D (photos by An Meirsman).

Erin and Renaud enjoying the Belgian warm water :D (photos by An Meirsman).

On the other hand, Fliety and myself still had some serious business to deal with...Indeed he still had to perform a couple of skills to complete his instructor course...And he did it! (of course :p). 

That is why I'm very proud to announce a new Belgian AIDA instructeur in town, namely Dieter "Fliety" Dejonghe!

Congrats new AIDA instructor Fliety! (photo by An Meirsman).

Congrats new AIDA instructor Fliety! (photo by An Meirsman).

Fliety will be teaching AIDA courses as soon as he is back in Belgium, don't hesitate to contact him if you are looking for introductory to advanced freediving training.

From my side, I would like to announce the next freediving session in Dongelberg, planned for August 25th. Don't forget to contact me in you are interested ;-).

sea you,


Photo by Tom Delaey

Photo by Tom Delaey

Tag(s) : #UniversalFreedivers, #AIDA, #AIDABelgium, #AIDAInstructorTrainer, #ApnéeEnMilieuNaturel, #ApnéeEntrePotes, #ApneaGirlPower, #SortieDongelbergUF
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