Hi freedivers!

Duiktank Transfo opened last March (actually on my birthday :p) and a month later we were the first freedivers to visit it! A couple of weeks ago, Gerrich Schoels had the idea to go there and he asked me to invite people. At the end, we were about 20 freedivers colonizing Duiktank Transfo last Sunday :-). Among them, we found my fellow UF friends, Christophe Lannoy and Fabrice Lampin as well as former students Fred Pinelli and Tim Alenus and last but not least old buddy Paul Troisfontaines and colleague AIDA Instructor Stijn Notenbaert.

After check-in, we put our gear on, we went upstairs, owner Marc Maelfait did his briefing, I did mine and then we jumped in the water for 3 hours of fun :D. Bij the way, the water temperature is now 23°C...This is like 6°C higher than the last time :-).

It was fun for me too "even if" I was on duty since Frederiek Taillaert was interested in completing a AIDA2 training. So, we did a bit of breathing techniques, then, a static session, followed by "open water" session and even a small dynamic session!


Welcome to Transfo! (Photo by Fred Pinelli).

Welcome to Transfo! (Photo by Fred Pinelli).

One of the big advantage of Transfo...A 20m diameter tank, meaning plenting of room :D (Photo by Fred Pinelli).

One of the big advantage of Transfo...A 20m diameter tank, meaning plenting of room :D (Photo by Fred Pinelli).

Frederiek improved his personal best in static apnea by more than 1 minute during this session!

Frederiek improved his personal best in static apnea by more than 1 minute during this session!

Luckily plenty of room for the 19 freedivers present :-) (Photo by Fred Pinelli).

Luckily plenty of room for the 19 freedivers present :-) (Photo by Fred Pinelli).

Frederiek almost surfacing after an easy touchdown :-).

Frederiek almost surfacing after an easy touchdown :-).

3 hours is quite long, so, a bit of rest and a bit of water on the pool side is always welcome, isn't Fred, Roland and Gerrich :-)

Fabrice always entertaining :-)

Fabrice always entertaining :-)

Then Yves Leflot surprised me nicely by asking to perform an AIDA2 cross-over (he is LIFRAS instructor) which I accepted of course...I'm an Universal Freedivers :-).

Yves during the constant weight evaluation.

Yves during the constant weight evaluation.

Both students did great. There is only the theory left and then Belgium will count two more AIDA2 certified freedivers!

Good job guys!

Good job guys!

At the end, Paul helped me to fold the rope into the buoy...no, actually he did it all by himself :p...it is really nice to have an assistant-instructor sometimes...or is it not :D.

My lucky assistant :D

My lucky assistant :D

Thanks again owner Marc Maelfait for being so open and enthusiastic over freediving ;-).

See you next time!


PS: hereunder you will find nice movies made by Fabrice and Christophe.

Tag(s) : #UniversalFreedivers, #Transfo, #AIDA, #CMAS, #LIFRAS, #ApnéeEntrePotes
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