Hello freedivers,

what a wonderful freediving session this morning at Lessines - site de Raph! Although the weather was pretty cloudy when leaving home, the sun showed up when we were approaching the quarry :o).


Approaching the quarry (photo by Robert Zielinski).

Approaching the quarry (photo by Robert Zielinski).

Perfect conditions (photo by Robert Zielinski).

Perfect conditions (photo by Robert Zielinski).

Thanks again to Robert, Anneke, Lotte, VL, Adrien and Dirk for the very good company. Actually this was a first in Lessines for most of them! But with such  nice conditions, sunny, surface temperature above 20°C, nothing can go wrong. OK, there is a small 10°C difference between the surface and the bottom but at the end, I'm sure that everybody could appreciat it ^^.

The great team of the day!

The great team of the day!

So we could do the classical spots and we finished up with the deepest area of the quarry. I think that's the first time that I could get the deepest spot on my dive computer (together with the temperature profile): -29.4m (and 12°C) with my forearm inside the bottom mud :D.

The bottom of Lessines (depth and temperature profiles).

The bottom of Lessines (depth and temperature profiles).

Not sure yet where will be the next freediving session but I'm sure that good company will be there again ;-)

Sea you,


Tag(s) : #Universal Freedivers, #AIDAInstructorTrainer, #ApneaGirlPower, #ApnéeEnMilieuNaturel, #ApnéeEntrePotes, #EPSM, #SortieCarrière, #SortieLessinesUF
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