Hello freedivers,

last Tuesday, UF-Jeroen and myself headed to the Roma theater in Antwerp. Beautiful place with a lot of history!

Again we could set up a mini-booth to present Universal Freedivers activities

Big Jeroen in da place :-)

Big Jeroen in da place :-)

Waiting for the audience to arrive...
Waiting for the audience to arrive...
Waiting for the audience to arrive...
Waiting for the audience to arrive...
Waiting for the audience to arrive...

Waiting for the audience to arrive...

From 8pm on, people flooded inside the theater...more than 300 participants! I'm very happy for the organisators (Micheline Vermeulen and Patrick Toby) and I'm also happy to have had a bunch of people interested in our Universal Freedivers activities!

Mass of people arriving to the theater.

Mass of people arriving to the theater.

Very nice place with the audience sitting in the balcony!(on the right side of the picture).

Very nice place with the audience sitting in the balcony!(on the right side of the picture).

10.30pm time to leave for me but looking forward for the next step in Namur on November 24th (Cinéma Eldorado). I'll be there together with UF-Guillaume.

See you there? :-)


UF stuff is packed. Heading home...

UF stuff is packed. Heading home...

Tag(s) : #UniversalFreedivers, #OceanFilmFestivalBelgium, #ConférenceUF
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